A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dancing guys

Here's the kids enjoying Duck Ellington again!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Z starts "school"

Now that Z is two, he is allowed to participate in our preschool's Children's Day Out program. This means that Mommy actually gets a few hours of non-kid time a week to spend doing stuff I'd probably rather not do with kids (examples: oil change, go to the DMV, in-depth home cleaning, etc.). Woo hoo!

My hubby asked me last night if I was going to cry when Z went to school today, and I said I didn't think so. And I was right; no tears from Mom. However my little Z did shed a few tears, but ultimately he gave me a kiss and went to play. It should be a day full of new and fun adventures. I can't wait to hear what the teacher has to say when I pick him up.

Both of my boys are growing up so fast, and I couldn't be more proud of them.

Z looking small but cute

Z ready for the big day

A & Z smile before school

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tinker Time

Uncle Travis got Z a set of Tinker Toys for his birthday. Today, we tinkered. And the boys were lucky enough to have Daddy home to help. See attached video and pic. Thanks to Uncle Trav for the fun toy!

My guys

Saturday, September 18, 2010

And now Z is two.

Wow! Hard to believe I'm a mom of a fabulous 2 year old. Yes, he's got the "terrible" part down, but he's also loving and creative, funny and intense, imaginative and, more and more talkative (with words we can even understand). It's awesome.

We had a potluck for all of our Cali Crew September birthdays, and below is the video (warning: it's 10 minutes long!) of Zach opening his gifts. You'll see a number of legs walking through the video while he's opening, plus a few shots of some of our friends' adorable twins, ZN & BJ.

Thanks to everyone who helped make Mr. Z's 2nd birthday so great.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Belated update with A's 2nd b-day party in July

Totally forgot that I downloaded these pictures. We had a great time at our favorite burger joint with lots of friends and good food.

Birthday boy and his bro during cupcake happiness

Strongman T with boys

R helps the birthday boy open gifts

Jen, Rog & T

Neighbors Martina, Grant & C

Billie & Chris

Dax, R & H

Jill and B Bear

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Les Artistes

The weather is perfect for using chalk outside. Check out these pics of my little artists.

Anything can be art

The artists hard at work

Art in motion

Admiring art from a different perspective

School begins for A

Ah, the start of a new school year! The weather is cooling, the kiddos are ready to be with their friends again, and Mom is pretty excited to be getting a little time to herself for a few hours a week. More school photos will be posted after Z starts school in a couple of weeks. Woo hoo!

A in front of his school

AM and A

Z, AM & A