A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Crocodiles, Fish and Seals or it's 8 o'clock

Recently, any time A doesn't want to do something or is afraid of something, he blames it on the "crocodiles, fish and seals". So, when I ask A why he always sleeps on the floor - he takes the blankets from both beds, plus his stuffed animals, binky, etc. and makes a huge nest for himself on the floor - he tells me that it's because of crocodiles, fish and seals (CFS's for future reference). And if you ask him why he didn't come inside when I called him for dinner, it's because of the CFS's. Now, we've tried to figure out where the heck this specific set of animals has come from, and we have no idea. Grandma and Grandpa have a book called "Can Crocodiles Dance?", and we have a "Sammy the Seal" book that talks about seals and fish, but none of them really answer the question. I guess there's just a lot of wheels turning in my child's head that involve some pretty serious animals and creatures.

In addition to the wildlife that rules A's days, regardless of what time it might say on the clock, it's always 8 o'clock on A time. It's 8 o'clock when it's time for bed, or time for nap, or time for Daddy to go to work, or time for Z to go take a nap and leave Mommy to have some 1:1 time with A, or time to play outside, or really time for anything else in the world including breakfast, lunch, and dinner (all of which are simply referred to as lunch by A).

So, if you're looking for crocodiles, fish and seals at 8 o'clock, you came to the right place.
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