A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Spraypark Fun

My good friend, Jill, and I decided to take our little ones to the spraypark today. After weeks of 100+ degree weather, it was nice and 90ish. Hot enough for us mommas to wish we had worn our swim suits instead of shorts and t-shirts.

The kiddos had a great time, and we finished off the adventur
e with a little picnic. We've learned that each family has to provide enough to share with all the kids, otherwise everyone wants what the other kids have and it's not so fun. Z also got to experience the treat of grapes upon pretzel sticks care of Jill. Wow! Who knew how big of a treat that would be?!?

Hope you're staying cool! Chris

Z in mid-stride

Z and ZN like the little fountains

Big boys getting wet

BJ & Mom - staying dry


AD chillin'

AD, A & BJ

Picnic crew

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