A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A summer full of growing up.


This summer has been hot and humid, and thus filled with many afternoons in either the "big pool" of our subdivision, or our little backyard blow-up pool. When at home, I let my little guys enjoy the backyard pool sans clothes, and have been known to scrub 'em with a bar of soap and hose them down just in time for dinner. It's certainly a thing I think I will forever associate with summer, and probably this summer in particular.

A turned 4, and Z's acting like he's 13, so we've got lots of growing up happening at our house.

Z is now officially in his toddler bed and he's adjusting fairly well; after a few tearful falls and even a few smooth landings, we decided it was time to retire the crib.

A is working on learning to write his numbers and letters, complete simple mazes, and start reading sight words. We have a number of workbooks that G's sister gave me (thanks Coll!), and I went overboard and bought a ton more from Target's $1 section. So, A likes to do "activity" sheets regularly these days.

Z is walking up and downstairs without crawling.

A is learning the difference between telling the truth and telling falsehoods. I hesitate to call them lies because I don't think he completely understands the difference between what he wants to be true and what is true.

A has figured out that he can now open the fridge and enjoys the ability to grab his milk and take a swig any time he feels like it, and Z is learning to say "Pease" and "'ank oooo" whenever A allows Z to grab his own cup too.

Growing up is also about understanding consequences like sitting in time out when you throw toys or slam doors or go into the bathroom unassisted when you plan to put toys in the toilet (Some day, a plumber will be very happy with the bill he will earn from me for all of the toys he's going to have to snake out of my pipes. Oy vey!)

But generally, growing up is about learning. testing, experimenting, observing, feeling (sometimes very acutely), and simply being.

And finally, growing up, at least at this stage of development is full of imagination. Both of my guys are regularly pretending to do a multitude of things from cooking, cleaning, driving cars, playing with dragons, flying planes, and sitting on the sun.

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