A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Z updates

Life with a kiddo under the age of 2 is always active, however, with Mr. Z, it is also full of "no's" (pronounced "nah"), giggles, yelling just for the pure pleasure of hearing his own voice, power struggles and "alright's" (his answer to almost anything when he doesn't say "nah"). Most recent milestones:

- Climbed out of his crib. Fortunately he scared himself half to death and has gone a few days without trying it again.

- Jumped with two feet off the ground. It used to be that he'd just scoot his feet over the edge of the platform from which he was "jumping" and fall onto the ground, but now he actually uses his little springy legs to jump, jump, jump. And he tells you about it while he's doing it.

- First competition with Daddy about who is more stubborn. Daddy won... this time.

- First pee on the potty!

- Talking more and more all the time.

Silly little man

Naked time (below)

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