A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

End August Update

The boys are napping for just a bit longer, so I wanted to take a sec to fill you in on life here.

We're just 11 days away from A's first day of preschool. We already started Kindermusik, which he loves, he just wishes his best friend AM could go with him (AM takes gymnastics instead). We've got his backpack, folder, lunch box, etc. I'm so excited for him... and me!

Z is walking everywhere and thinks the funniest thing in the world to do is to do a full body roll over everything - dog, cat, A, me, toys, etc. It elicits giggles like nothing else.

My mom found a few boxes of goodies in an old chest in the garage. One box contained some books that I've been asking her for since A was born. I am so happy to add these books to our library. There are even some books that go back to my brother's day which I will take to him for Thanksgiving.

G has been out of the count for the last 10 days after having his tonsils out plus some other ENT surgery. He's hanging in there, but still can only whisper and can only eat really soft foods. He worked from home last week, but goes into the office tomorrow, so I'm planning easy soft meals for him to survive on. Wish him luck. Thankfully, one of our good friends will be driving G to/from work since I won't let G drive while he's taking his pain meds.

Just to recap a few other things from August, cousin Jon from New York came to visit for a long weekend. The boys had a great time hanging out with Jon, and Jon was great about reading books to A and playing with him.

The weather is turning cooler, and I've been breaking out the long pants and even some long sleeved shirts for the boys (see pic below. Z is wearing a cute outfit from Grandma Carmen.). Although I'm almost mentally ready for Fall, I'm bummed that it means the end of swim lessons. Due to rainy weather and schedule conflicts, we haven't been to the pool since early in August. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to hold out for Florida in April for Aunt Colleen's wedding (woo hoo!). And by next summer, I'll probably be able to take both boys to the pool without worry about having another set of hands. That will be fun.

So long Summer. We look forward to seeing you again next year. And to our few readers out there, we wish you a happy rest of the year.

Love, C

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fashion statement

Bunny ears? Check!

Old scarf of Mommy's? Check!

Winter hat on backwards? Check!

Now what do we have? A little boy being silly and playing dress up. I think he might have some of his father's fashion sense (sorry hon), but it certainly makes me smile. And he's smiling which is a good sign.
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Z turns 11 months old (belated post)

My boys are growing, growing, growing. And going, going, going. It was pretty much impossible to get Z to stand still long enough for me to get the photo I wanted for his 11 month puppy shot, but below is what I was able to get. At least you can see A with his summer haircut (he wanted to have hair like Daddy).

This is A's consistent sulky facial expression these days. His favorite phrase is "I don't want to do X" or "I don't like that." The terrible three's are definitely more of a challenge than the terrible two's. Ugh. At least he's cute, right? And preschool is right around the corner.

This is the most common way I was able to get photos of Z: on the move. He walks probably 90% of the time now and loves his new mobility. He also loves to throw any object he gets into his hand, so we're starting to work on what we can and can't throw.

Z loves playing with A, and often A is willing to accomodate him. Here is a smiley puppy pic, but the smile is all because of his big brother. Too cute!
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Walking Z Video

Here he is walking. Enjoy!