A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer and smoothies

Oy! I fed my children smoothies tonight for dinner, and apparently that's all it takes to give a sugar high to my kids. It's 9pm and they're still awake! They played outside today for 4 (yes 4!) hours, then bathed, then had dinner of smoothies and Cheez It's (Daddy had to work late so Mommy was a tad bit creative). And they're still awake. Meanwhile, I'm like dead mom walking.

Z's smoothie face and bib. Still had to change the shirt, but I suppose it was a lot better than it would've been without the bib.

Anyway, the best news is that summer is almost here. I can't say that I'm ready for school to end next week, but I am ready for some serious pool time, and also some serious potty training. We've got to get A to stay dry long enough to be able to go to school in the fall. Please wish us luck.

So, today was the summer haircut day. I shaved both of my kids for their summer 'dos. Don't they look great?

Summer 'dos

Loving the stairs

Happy guys

DisneyWorld Recap and a few pics

Well, we actually took a family vacation this April and visited DisneyWorld. We were joined by G's mom, sis, bro, and our niece. We were sick for most of the trip, but still had a good time. It was especially fun to hang out with the family. Below are some pics from our trip.

Quintessential Disney Pic - the whole family

The only ride A went on was one at Animal Kingdom with his cousin, Aunt and Grandma A.

Daddy and Uncle Justin trying to tame Z on the shuttle.

On our way to the parks!

Two cousins