A Tebby Dare Welcome

I have two sons, A and Z. A used to refer to his teddy bears as Tebby Dares and I still think it's the cutest thing. I hope you enjoy reading about my boys and the things they do and say.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Z turns 4

For a few weeks now, I've been collecting thoughts and stories about Z to share, and his birthday seems like the perfect time.

Z is such a cuddly kid. Any time anyone sits down to read to him, he always squirms his body right next to the Reader's while saying "cuddle, cuddle" until the Reader embraces him with one arm and commences reading. Often, apropos of nothing, he will say "I love you," and then follow it up with a big hug and/or kiss. He loves to send air kisses too.

With all this cuddly cuteness, you might think that's all he is, but that would be an incorrect concept. This kid loves to wrestle - especially with A or Uncle Justin. He also speaks in a very loud voice a lot! We regularly have to remind him to "lower your volume". He's got a great sense of humor, and loves to share secrets with his brother. If asked who is best friend is, you'll still find that A is his number one answer.

Here are a few Z-isms:
choffick = chocolate
walkels = waffles
ga-nastics = gymnastics

As for his birthday, we celebrated on Sunday with a small gathering of friends and family for snacks and dessert in the way of Oreos, a huge chocolate chip cookie with purple icing, and whipped cream for dipping. Some of the pictures are below. Z made out like a bandit with his gifts, but the clear front runner was the Lego Star Wars set that was "Just like [A]'s. Now I have my own!" However, he's slowly making his way through all of the toys and can't seem to find a true favorite. As I write, he's busily making use of the Playdoh Fun Factory set from Uncle Dave and Aunt Murielle, once again playing with the purple playdoh.

 Z and AD pre-gift opening

 ZN, Z and BJ checking out legos

 Baby M shows off her crawling skills

On his actual birthday, we started off by sharing raisins with friends at Strollers and Slides; then moved our party to lunch at A's school (I brought Wendy's); then we stopped by HyVee for a free balloon (purple, natch), movie rental from Red Box (The Lorax), and "mega" chocolate cupcake; and finally we celebrated Z and Rey's birthday over dinner of pizza for the boys while the adults had Shepherds Pie, and dessert of key lime pie. All in all, it was a pretty fabulous birthday!

 A, Justin, Z & Rey

Thanks for all the birthday love, presents and wishes for Mr. Z. He has enjoyed it all!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


My guys love to think of their bodies as the perfect canvas for any artistic media, and this week they chose acrylic paint. Admittedly, I was remiss in thinking I could leave two energetic boys outside with paint, brushes, etc. I could almost hear the sun urging them to free themselves from the confines of the project I had assigned them.

"Here's all you'll need to paint the boards in front of you. Enjoy. Have fun," and off I went to make chicken cutlets and pasta with sauce, with occasional checks.

The first two checks on the kids went fairly well, but right in the middle of cooking the first round of chicken cutlets, my two little artists unveiled the more enjoyable art on their bodies. Behold:

 The Artists

 Mom-approved canvas, 1

 Mom-approved canvas, 2

Thursday, August 30, 2012


A is sick and had to stay home from school, so in an effort to help the boys pass the time, I decided to let them try on the costumes that Daddy picked up recently for Halloween. Now we just need an R2 or two to  round out the Star Wars-ness of my guys.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

stuff from Grandma's

 Doily made by Grandma Burris, Grandma Helen's mom

 More Family Doilies

 And more doilies

 A short runner

 Table runner (folded in half)

 An afghan (folded in 1/4)

 Extra pieces for the afghan

 Green doily, Yellow doily made by Grandpa Roger's mom


 3 piece set, probably for a chair

 pillow case for a square pillow

 Pillow Lauren made for Grandma Helen

 Two table runners (folded in 1/2)

 Pink pillow cases

 Probably chair arm rest covers from Grandma Helen's mom

 A small table runner made by Grandpa Roger's mom

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A goes to Kindergarten

My biggest little guy is growing up. Today was the first day of Kindergarten. Woo hoo!

 A at school

  A at home before school

 A ready to go!

 Z wants a pic too :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pool time with Cousin AN

 A, J, AN, & Z on raft with N & C off-raft

 A, J, AN & Z

 A, J, AN & Z

 Sideways: A, J, AN & Z, with Ruben and Grant & C

 C incoming

 J & ANoverboard, C onboard

Life is good!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Castle on the Hill

The castle has risen. Want to come play?

 Boys observer the building process

 Boys and the assembly men



 Z swings

More Soccer

Pics from A's game last night.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Soccer summer

My guys are both playing Soccer for the first time this summer. Both thru different programs, and each team has at least one good friend. So, it's exciting (and sweaty) times. :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

PreK Grad

My oldest is now my first to have a graduation ceremony under his belt. Way to go A!

Friday, May 4, 2012


This is where Z was pretending to nap today. I love that my guys know how to use various materials for many different things. These maps may have seen better days, but they may never have been so loved.

Grandpa Rocks!

We love Grandpa.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Shorn for Summer

It's that time of year again. My cutie pies got their hair cut just before we got cooler weather. This year, Z even asked me if I could buzz it because it was getting so long that it was getting in his eyes. And, since it's stick-straight, he can't brush it away; it just goes right back to where it was. So I think that's an accomplishment.

Radio Flyer Pathfinder Wagon

This is for the woman who wanted to see pictures of my wagon. Sorry I couldn't attach it in email.